About Us

Patricia Broome
Patricia Broome has been teaching the Word of God for over 35 years. She is a graduate of Hosanna Bible Training Center, in Macedonia, Ohio, and received a Certificate of Biblical Studies from Covenant College in Coventry England, graduating with honors.
Pat is called to teach the Word of God in order that believers may be equipped and empowered to be effective servants of God. She taught the High Life Radio Bible Class and Prepare the Way broadcast in the Greater Cleveland area for a number of years.
Pat served with “city-reaching” ministries, such as Saturate Cleveland, the North East Ohio Intercessors Network (NEOIN), the NE Ohio National Day of Prayer Committee, and Breakthrough Cleveland regional prayer events. Pat worked with Favor of God Ministries for a short period– serving indigenous leaders and the general population in northern Uganda and South Sudan. Pat recently created and facilitates the OAKS online Bible course, designed as strength training for the soul and spirit. Pat serves the wider Body of Christ as a conference and seminar speaker. She has served locally as a Women’s or Mission’s Day speaker, in teacher training sessions, retreats, discipleship classes, and more. She has had the privilege of teaching internationally in Uganda, Zambia, and the United Kingdom.
In the fall of 2021, Pat relocated from her home in Cleveland to serve with Daniel and Fiona Reynolds at Life Church in St. Charles, Illinois. Pat serves at Life Church as part of the faculty for a recently formed Bible training center for young adults. Pat has always enjoyed mentoring young adults and continues to do so at her new home. In 2015, Pat began a women’s ministry entitled FLAGship (Fight Like A Girl), reminding ladies of all ages that we carry inside of us the Commander and Lord of all – Jesus Christ, and are called to bring His Presence and manifest His glory wherever we go.
Pat loves being on adventure with God, learning to host His Presence and advance His Kingdom. One of the scripture portions she keeps at the forefront of her life is taken from the final verses of Colossians chapter 1:
“So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ. We warn them and teach them with all the wisdom God has given us, for we want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. I work very hard at this, as I depend on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.”